• Internship Details: 

    • Duration : Jun 2023 - Sep 2023

    • My Role: UX/UI Design Intern

    • Team:  1 PM, 2 Engineers, 3 UX Designers

Existing Problems
Re-design Principles
1. New navigation bars and hamburger menus
2. New ZooEx Design Systems
3. New ZooEx Pop-ups
4. Simplify Information Architecture
5. Enhance the Perception of Value

New Invitation Leaderborad

One-Click Generate Invitation Link

Multiple External-Markets Entrances

6. View the final Product

* TypeIt's new website shipped and launched in August of 2023

*ZooEx's new website is expected to launch around October of 2023

Disclaimer: Due to NDA, I am restricted from disclosing details about certain projects, including unpublished parts and my design/develop processes. If you wish to inquire about additional information, please contact me via email!

My Projects